C’est moi!

This is a fairly typical day in my life.

Really? I have to explain myself? Gah!
Ok. Let’s see.

I’m a stalker.

I have cats. And a husband. All feature prominently in my insanity.

I live in a little mountain town and my house is bright yellow. Yellow like a sunflower.

I like bugs, gardening, bats, rubber stamps, mojitos, making stuff, eating stuff, reading things, my delightful friends and some of my family, etc.

Mostly I’m a fairly normal peepol except for some of the weird things I think and say.

21 responses to “C’est moi!

  1. That is the best bio picture I’ve ever soon. Glorious!

    • Thank you very much! Mr. Toki O., there, is my brain-eating zombie cat. It looks like that is what he is doing, going for my brain, but he’s not. He’s trying to get his “behbee” out of my hair (he carries around hairbands and puts them to bed and we find them all collected together, “sleeping” in their little nests. He’s a weird cat)

      • Stephenie

        OMG! That is hysterical. I can just picture you finding a “nest” of pony tail holders! My one cat carries a fake furry mouse around all the time. I keep finding it in my bed. Thank god he’s an indoor cat!

        • Oh, his behbeh is a mousie? That’s adorable!
          We moved the fridge because one of the birds they (Toki and his sister) brought in flew behind it. Guess what else we found back there? Pony tail holders. Toki was horrified that we were disturbing his sleeping babies.

  2. Ha!! I LOVE this!! Knowing first hand the damage a black cat can do to hair. Mona gave me a hair cut one night…:)

  3. You like mojitos?!? Why haven’t I learned this earlier? Why have we not drank them together? We must rectify this!

    • You say this as a joke, yes? Because, if you will remember, I grow mint in my garden and make mojitos from said mint and then Susan says she doesn’t like things floating in her beverages and we make fun of her. Because that really happened.

      • I figure one of two things happened. Either (a) adult beverage consumption (example:mojitos) caused me to forget that we have had mojitos together or (b) your continual vast selection of adult beverages confused me. Whichever it is doesn’t matter. The only solution is to drink mojitos together again with only one alternative adult beverage for Susan who doesn’t like things floating in her drinks.

        • Yeah, I think it was probably both. AND I have found a way to make floaty-free mojitos and they are way yummier than the ones I fed you, so Susan can have one, too! It’s so awesome! Now we just need summer to return so I can have fresh mint again.

  4. paisleyglen

    YOU ARE AMAZING HILARIOUS AND BASICALLY I AM IN LOVE. *Ahem* I really enjoy reading your posts, and your comments. Permission to link to your blog, ma’am?

    • Oh, you’re supposed to ask permission? CRAP! I have already yoinked yours. Sorry. I just sort of take what I want like the barbaric little Frenchie I am.
      Permission granted, my delightful friend. Link away!

      • paisleyglen

        I ask, because I figure that people don’t want to be associated with me in public. Unless someone is famous/has met Neil Gaiman, then their entire life is in the public domain, probably.


        I am having trouble not behaving like a fanboy, just now.

        • Who would NOT want to be associated with you in public. Oh, hold up, wait. Do you regularly make ear-piercingly loud shrieky noises when in public because, then, yeah maybe it’s a bit understandable. It’s the reason I don’t hang out with teenage girls. Or do you stab the people you’re with in public? Because that would also be a hindrance. Other than that, though, I can’t think of a reason someone wouldn’t want to be associated with you.
          But by the “met Neil Gaiman” standards, then Jake/Snark can totally be associated with you in public! WIN! But then you’ve already linked his blog, so…man, my logic fails today.

          • paisleyglen

            Yeah, that’s why I didn’t ask his permission. “You met Neil Gaiman, dude, so you’re basically a celebrity, and I don’t need to ask. You probably won’t even notice, because you’re on a get with champagne ice cream.”

            I don’t shriek, usually, unless I’m startled. I *was* once viciously attacked by a leaf in the wind, so it’s entirely possible. I don’t stab people, though, unless they stab me first.

            • I want champagne ice cream!! Like, NOW! OMG, let’s make some. That sounds delightful.
              Oh, wait. We’re not rich or famous enough to be allowed champagne ice cream, are we?
              Stupid poverty and not-fame.
              Alright, then. Back to wine floats, I guess.

              But, see? There’s no reason to not want to be associated with you, as we have just discovered. I mean, hell, I do stab people and they still associate with me. So…I guess I’m saying your perfect manners are pointless because you could totally be swiping links and stabbing people and it would be fine.
              Still, I like that you asked. It made me feel really special and stuff – and not in the needs-a-helmet way, like usual.

              • paisleyglen

                Of course you’re special-in-the-no-helmet-way! Wait – if you’re special, I’m pretty sure that means you deserve champagne ice cream, even if we have to use gas-station champagne to make it. Wine floats are also pretty awesome, though.

                I might just start swiping links/stabbing people shamelessly, then. It *is* the internet, after all.

                • It IS the internet! There are so few rules here; it’s the wild west of fandangled technology! Swipe and Stab!

                  We have a sweet, spiced wine that tastes like apple pie filling here in the fall. It’s what we use to make wine floats. They’re awesome. And you don’t know there’s alcohol involved until you stand up and try to walk to the bathroom, at which time it becomes very apparent. I’ll bet champagne ice cream wouldn’t do that to a person. Because it’s fancy.

                • paisleyglen

                  Champagne ice cream would probably buy you dinner, drive you home in a limousine, and then carry you to bed. *That’s* how fancy it is.

                  We have something called Hot Apple Pie that is everclear but you put cinnamon and things into it and then leave it in a closet for six months. You can only have a little bit at a time, though, because everclear.

                • Ooooh, now I REALLY want champagne ice cream. It’s so…dreamy!

                  Hmm. Everclear in my stomach = vomit out of my mouth. I think I’ll have to stick with the wine and vanilla beans. But that does sound like a fun chemistry experiment! The making of Hot Apple Pie, not the vomiting of said HAP.

                • It IS the internet! There are so few rules here; it’s the wild west of fandangled technology! Swipe and Stab!

                  We have a sweet, spiced wine that tastes like apple pie filling here in the fall. It’s what we use to make wine floats. They’re awesome. And you don’t know there’s alcohol involved until you stand up and try to walk to the bathroom, at which time it becomes very apparent. I’ll bet champagne ice cream wouldn’t do that to a person. Because it’s fancy.

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